The Law Enforcement industry plays an essential role in our society to ensure the safety and security initiatives of a community. RFID is making strong waves as it is providing opportunity in curbing violence, besides tracking Inventory, Managing Documents, Evidence Tracking, Prison Solutions and other applications

  • RFID has already made inroads in the law enforcement circles
  • Many Countries are now starting to implement RFID in Law enforcements and reaping results, Mexico and Canada are among the first few countries who have implemented RFID
  • Law enforcement has considerably benefited from its commercial and political acceptance
  • RFID is now working as an important Crime Fighting tool

By using the Delonti RFID Solutions for Law Enforcement, police will be able to streamline their work processes and efficiently utilize assets, restrict and monitor access, and manage evidence. Whether it is maintaining chain of custody requirements, tracking where and who is using an issued firearm, or finding DNA evidence samples, Delonti RFID has the solution that helps secure the day-to-day operations of Law Enforcement professionals.

Our Portfolio of Solutions

RFID – Application Areas in Law Enforcement

RFID Armory Management System uses RFID technology to enhance the security, accountability, and efficiency of your armory.

  • Evidence Tracking Using RFID

Document Tracking Using RFID

Our RFID Corrections System delivers a wide range of proven inmate management, monitoring, and tracking solutions for corrections professionals – built exclusively around radio-frequency identification (RFID) + Web + Mobile technologies to help your staff work faster, smarter, and more defensibly.

Delonti’s offers multiple law enforcement applications

Have questions? Send us an email or schedule a call